Sarah and Daisy know you are probably getting tired of our intrusion
into your emails but we had this idea, well it was Miss Brie's idea but
we decided to steal it from her; you know the ferret property laws it's
our idea now!

Anyway here's the idea: we are going to do interviews with the humans
that help Mum take care of us, on site and off! We are going to start
with Miss Brie because she is the cause of us loosing our cyber shelter
friends! We thought we would start with her so she could help us fix
the misunderstanding that caused us too loose some of our cyber

Sarah: Miss Brie, you're the board secretary. What do you do?

Miss Brie: Well, I take care of organizing the board meetings, updating
our contact lists, and making sure that all the board members are in
the loop, that kind of stuff.

Daisy: OH!!! So you're the reason Mum's so worried about losing our
friends!....We heard her talking about how people would see "Volunteer
Registration" on the recent form and think that since they aren't
nearby they won't be able to keep getting our news!! Why are you trying
to get rid of our cyber shelter friends? Not much of a secretary if you
ask me...grumble, grumble....

Miss Brie: Ah, yes, uh that is rather embarrassing. I was so
preoccupied when writing that I chose some poor words to describe the
form correctly. Now that I think back I probably should have titled
it "Mailing List/Contact Registration" or something close to that at
least. But I didn't think about it since I consider all of our friends
to be volunteers, whether they read the newsletter or come to help out
at the shelter. I guess in my eyes it doesn't matter what they're
doing. As long as our friends have a relationship with us, no matter
what kind, they're volunteers. Don't get me wrong, I will absolutely
consider my choice of words much more carefully from now on!

Sarah: Well....alright, we can accept that. Just be careful and don't
go losing our shelter friends due to a poor choice in words! Ah, Mum's
calling us. Guess we'll have to finish this interview another time.

HEY, email friends, send in those contact forms AKA Volunteer
Registration forms. Don't miss out on our Ferret Farm good news!
If you don't have them any more email Miss Brie
[log in to unmask]
and she will get another out to you!

Me and Daisy are extending the dead line until April 7th just to cover
Miss Brie's tail.

We hope you understand that Miss Brie is human and humans are NO where
near as perfect as we fur kids are. 

Happy reading 
Sarah and Daisy


[Posted in FML 7740]