I believe I have my car sold! I delayed coming home a couple/few weeks
ago because I had no money to get my US car working again and to drive
it from the SF Bay Area to Southern Texas. The only way to get it was
to sell something significant here -- car &/or sewing equipt.

I'd been trying to do just that for months -- over a year for the
sewing equipt. So I decided to concentrate on the car, and last week
a breakthrough -- found someone who could pay for the car in dollars.
Yesterday I struck a verbal deal with him, and for abt 20% of the
purchase price he will pay in dollars and deposit it into my Calif
credit union.

Now I continue the through the bureaucracy of permissions, clearances,
fees, etc. And breaching the barrier of my former partners -- will they
give the required signatures to let me do it all. Yesterday my lawyer
said he thinks so and will call them to prepare them and see what their
attitudes are now.

In the past they also blocked me from assigning responsibility for
taking care of all of the paperwork to someone else. However the lawyer
thinks he can get that lifted too. Luckily legal fees here are low.
This service will cost less than $50.

Each time I spend a stretch in AA, I need a few days rest. This time it
will be a short one, but I am enjoying it. Within my own yard, life can
be paradisaical. My good worker Abrahame is the reason for the change.
Once outside, it is a different story. But to end this on a positive
note, I have a couple of days of peace now.

And most especially good, Cleo is coming out of her agitation and rage.
The turning points are Abrahame's care and food-treats that have come
from friends. Due to the latter, Cleo is not only getting better, but
this morning is willing to accept me a little better.

Yesterday I got a package from Vicki that included FuroVite, and a
couple/few weeks ago Kris sent me the Ultimate 8-in-1 ferret kibble,
which was to have been reserved for the air flight. But she sent a 4-lb
bag, enough for the crises. And Sue sent some Gerber's chicken baby
food, which both ferrets loved. The kibble and babyfood worked goodness
last week, and the FuroVite made a turnaround last night. Cleo is still
both angry and grieving, running all over, and biting the bars of her
carrier, but the worst edge of it has softened.

In Vicki's package was also the blood-glucose meter that was supposed
to have been for Jonas. That was very very sad. And on the other hand,
it will serve other ferrets well in Texas.

[Posted in FML 7738]