Our little Clancy is going to be going to the Rainbow Bridge soon and
I am very concerned what it will do to her cage mate Andy.

Andy was a DMK rescue or rather his mother was and she was pregnant
at the time. After the wee-ones were born and ready for a home, John
and I adopted Andy and his sister and litter mate Annie. Annie has
since passed on and waits for her brother Andy at the Rainbow Bridge.

Andy is a big hefty boy and he is NOT to be trifled with. We have tried
everything we could think of trying to get Andy to accept another
ferret in the cage with him but nothing has helped. We even have to do
separate play groups for him and Clancy and the remaining other four
ferrets. I hope someone has some ideas because Andy and Clancy are
bonded very close and I am very afraid of what this will do to him.

You are welcome to respond to me here or via private email. Thanks in
advance to everyone for your ideas.

~Karen~ (")_(").:*

The Crocheted Ferret
Home Of The Famous DerbyEggs
Over 1,000 dozen sold and that makes for a LOT of happy ferrets.

[Posted in FML 7719]