The realization, of being, a crazy ferret person. I was thinking about
all those crazy ferret people I have met in my time running a shelter
and it struck me funny when my wonderful hubby pointed out I was one of
them. I was shocked. I certainly wasn't as bad as them, was I? I have
had people send me videos of the ferrets they adopted from us only of
the ferret doing what all ferrets do. Oh no, I have youtube videos
too of my ferrets doing strange and funny things. That doesn't prove
anything. Then I have someone show me pictures of ferrets on their
phone. Oh no, I have over 100 pictures of my ferrets on my phone. That
doesn't prove anything. I see people with special license plates. Oh
no, I have three vehicles with special license plates and I even got
magnets of the shelter for each vehicle. That doesn't prove anything.
I go to ferret shows but don't most people and they walk around with
their arms full of stuff they got at the show, stuff their ferret has,
or needs, but can always use more of. I never walk around the shows
with bags of stuff; I take mine out to my van in case I see more things
my ferret must have. That doesn't prove anything. I always see someone
getting a professional photo of their ferret. Ooooops, I have that one
of Baby Zuzu winning in his class. That doesn't prove anything. No,
crazy ferret people have tattoos of their ferrets on them. Crap, messed
that one up too. For my last birthday I got my first tattoo ever and it
is of a ferret. That doesn't prove anything. I look around my house and
realize I use to be a clean freak and now I have gotten rid of my nick
knacks and I have more ferret toys then I have clothing for myself.
That doesn't prove anything. I walk down the street and everyone calls
me the crazy ferret lady, but that doesn't prove anything. Last night a
new ferret came in that hadn't been out of her cage in over a year and
my hubby and I put her out to play and we sat on the couch and just
watched her play and ate cold tacos. We laughed and talked and just
smiled seeing her out and playing for the first time in over a year,
she is a year and a half old. She pooped all over my floor and I just
laughed and smile. Yes, I guess I am that crazy ferret person and by
writing this I now realize I am worse than most. I don't think everyone
knows though because my front door has a sign to rescue ferrets first
and my shirt has ferrets on it. Let's keep this secret so that no one
knows and it is just between us crazy ferret people, huh?

Ann's Ferret Shelter & Adoption Inc.
501(c)3 non-profit organization
Manchester, Ohio 45144
Ann Church, Director

[Posted in FML 7729]