Firstly, I would like to thank those who personally acknowledged my
recent comments on the FML. It did my heart good.

Secondly, I would like to say thanks again to BIG for his patience as
the FML goes through another phase of electronic competition. It was
suggested recently that no one posts on the FML any more. Hmmm, sure
looks like the FML is alive and well with hearts as BIG as ever and
voices as well. Those quiet readers (alias lurkers) have come out of
silent hibernation in support our ferret families and the kind of
care given to our fur kids.

Thirdly, I had a thought about Anon's postings today. I often find when
I am mulling over a topic that many of the thoughts that run through my
head like a ticker tape, often slip out of my mouth. Sometimes that can
cause a lot of chatter (my husband is chuckling in the background at
that comment). I've decided this may be the case in Anon's case - but
instead, comes out his/her fingers onto the keyboard looking for
discussion. Discussion, of which he or she has been successful.
Communication does come in many forms. And in the end, some of those
keyboard thoughts have stirred enough folks' ire to get Nell and her
critters home. So after I go to gofundme today and send some money to a
cause that hits me right in the heart, I will say a prayer for Nell,
each of her animals and the folks here that have helped her. After all,
we are all connected! Yeaaaa for you Nell, thanks Anon for the rocket
booster to get Nell home.

Fourthly, to Jeff. While I am one to pay attention to anything you
post, and to science, I cannot dismiss the many situations where folks
have shared anecdotal "research."  Much of that anecdotal information
is not to be dismissed. Science is not everything no matter how long
someone studies it and how expert they are to it. Its like our soldiers
who go off to war. Some times situations arise where the plan in the
war handbook just "ain't workin." So thinking outside the box, being
willing to try something different, so everyone in your unit or shelter
can afford the chance to survive, is worth taking. While I don't know
Ann Church, I have found Troy Lynn to be an avid poster on the FML,
full of such valuable information as well as many others like Zoo,
Jackie D., Millie, the FACT gang, Debbie at Kindness Matters, Brenda at
FurPeopleWeyr and some others I have stumbled across over the years.
Some of their "stuff" is frowned on big time by the "so called
experts," yet it has saved many, many animals' lives. So I am just here
to root for the underdogs and suggest our ancestors had some damn good
ideas that the experts have thrown to the wind in the name of science.
And while science has helped improve situations and lives, much has
done as much harm with no rewards. Maybe more research is called for on
this type of Lupron rather than dismissing it. Particularly, if it is
working for other shelters out there. Or perhaps these folks are giving
the Lupron and adding an extra dose of love and a prayer for the
ferrets' health. You never see that written on any prescription or
directions send home with the patient and owner.

Okay, my ticker tape has run out. Good to see so many FMLers sharing

Cathy Ryan

Today is the best day to do a good deed.

Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 7726]