WooHoo! 20% off Wysong is awesome. For those of you whom haven't tried
it, contact the company and get a sample of their ferret products sent
to you. If you can't, contact me and I'll send you samples. They
provide me with samples to give out and I've had quite a few people
start feeding Wysong products because of it. Their Epigen product is
the bomb! The Archetypal I is different and the ferrets don't always
take right to it. I leave it out all the time and after a few weeks of
being here, will find yet another ferret munching down on it. It's
areally excellent food!Their Dream Treats are also an excellent treat
for them.

Debbie, Kindness Matters Ferret Rescue
KMFG Yahoo Group http://groups.yahoo.com/search?query=kmfg
Sponsor a rescue ferret for only $5 per month!

[Posted in FML 7691]