First off I would like to say I think it is absolutely wonderful that
Susan and Jessie have put this group together to help ferrets and the
shelters that do such a wonderful job caring for those ferrets in need.

I read a very disturbing email, minus all the grammar mistakes, that
was pretty much a slap in their face and stating that the shelter
selected for this months silent auction was not deserving. I was
shocked to read this considering this person has been helped by the
very shelter nominated for this months auction.

If any of you do not know Tom and Cindy Scheidts, I am sure you have
heard of them and know what kind of people they are. Amazing, would
probably not give them justice but we will go with that for now. They
have been helping ferrets for years, they never ever turn anyone away
needing help. How many of you have seen the Tower of Fun on other
raffle pages, I am sure a lot can vouch that they have. The reason
being is because they want to help, the offer to help and simply that
is the type of people they are. No they are not rich, far from it but
they are rich in their hearts. It was not but a few years ago when
their shelter was hit hard with H1N1 virus. They lost several babies
and their vet bill flew through the roof in a matter of weeks. They
fought day and night to save these babies, and some survived. With a
blow like that it is very hard to recover from, then the following
year, Tom suffered a heart attack and needed surgery. That set them
back financially and emotionally but they did not give up on helping
others when they could. With that being said I think I will stick with
the word AMAZING x 10, and for the person that stated they were not
deserving well shame on you!!! To knock a group that is making a
difference in so many lives (ferrets and shelter parents) I truly dont
understand why on earth you would have that desire or need to do so.
You dont know me, and I dont know you but I do know Cindy and Tom,
Susan and Jessie and these are a wonderful group of people. I say thank
you to all of them, Cindy and Tom for all the hard work they have done
to help the ferret community and ferrets they take in, and to Susan and
Jessie for opening a group that also open the member's hearts. If your
wondering why I didnt mention this person's name because there is no
need to if you read the previous FML or anything on Facebook. I am not
one to jump on a soap box but I am also not one that will sit on my
butt and not stand up for my friends. Especially these guys!

Now that I have made my point, I hope it opens others eyes and helps
them to see no one is trying to scam others, no one is trying to take
away from others, its all about helping and making a difference. So
please go check out the auction site and make a difference. God did
not put us on this earth to be greedy and judgmental but to make a
difference and to treat others they way Jesus treated us. Its that
plain and simple!

Crazyferretmom  (julie johnson) and the 11 fuzzbutts
In Memory of Sidney Sue, Slinky, Allie Boy, Polo Man, Roscoe, Fiona,
Milo, Piggy, Jazzy, Sammie, Scooter, Bear, Abby, Shelby (my doggy) and
my precious BooBoo,Moose our big boy Lily, Fizzy, sweet Owen, Boomer,
Smokey, Maggie, & Miss Marley

Gone in body, not spirit.

[Posted in FML 7696]