Another Sunday dawn here -- and I just got a donation from a kind FML
woman. Here's part of what I wrote back to her:

"it is 6:20 AM, and I am working on staying awake till Jonas' next
feeding and medicine session. The birds have JUST started to sing, the
crickets are still going strong, the church up the hill is broadcasting
its Sunday-AM prayers, and I have your donation! Many thanks.

I guess you know I'm in Ethiopia. The music is live, Arabian/Asian in
feel, all male voices, and fairly low in pitch. I don't know anything
about music, but have learned that this is a type of music created by
their Saint Yared, many centuries ago."

******In case this music or the saint interests you, here's a wiki
page. There's a cool drawing -- it looks like he is making music
for the birds!

>A legend describes Yared gaining musical insight and talent through
>interaction with three birds, which inspired him to link the spiritual
>with the musical through the blending of musical terms which he
>defined as Ge'ez, Izil, and Ararary.

[Posted in FML 7691]