Again, just my experience, but . . .

For a very long time now we have used the 1 month lupron and (the 3
month) melatonin in combination, usually pretty successfully. So when
our deslorelin came in and we decided on three ferrets for our first
experiment with it, it was the oldest 3. As coincidence would have it,
they were also due for their melatonin. Since the needles are the same
size we decided to try running the melatonin right behind the des.
That part was a little tricky, but we got it done. I wish we had not.

We very nearly lost all 3 boys due to dangerous sedation. I stayed
beside those three morning through the night for 3 days and miserable
nights. I had to wake them to eat, or even use the litter box. We
resorted to sub q fluids to keep the properly hydrated. It scared me
nearly to death.

So while I agree, regardless of rather its lupron or deslorelin,
melatonin should be part of the program - they each cover some hormones
the other does not, I will never do them on the same day let alone at
the same time, again. All three ferrets, totally out of it. It never
happened before, it hasn't happened since.

Brenda, Momma to the FurpeopleWeyr

[Posted in FML 7713]