People need to remember that fur regrowth -- or not -- is a POOR
indicator of how well a medical approach to adrenal disease is working.
Some ferrets can get good regrowth with bad control of the disease and
vise versa.

That said, Suprelorin IMPLANTS (NOT the daily form of deslorelin, but
these deslorelin implants which are sold in the U.S. by Virbac U.S. --
so any still marked as being from Peptech may be on the old side --
tend to have best control when studied) followed closely by Lupron
DEPOT rather than the daily Lupron, BUT how good control is also
depends on the TYPE of growth present in the adrenal and the size of
that growth. For fur regrowth Ferretonin implants of melatonin tend
work best.

Here is the good news: You can get a one-two wallop by using BOTH
Suprelorin AND Ferretonin at the same time. Ferretonin can also be
safely used with Lupron Depot.

Deslorelin (slow release is provided by the implant tech itself) is in
the same class of meds as Lupron, and this expert info on why the daily
forms of EITHER of those two meds can backfire could help many here
because although written for Lupron it also applies to other meds in
that class:

Virbac bought Peptech maybe two or three years ago if my feeling of
passing time is correct, and has been selling this med directly in the
U.S. for a while now -- about a half year.

Suprelorin (as well as the daily form of deslorelin which is for
animals like horses if my full recollection is right) is sold under a
special type of okay for specific uses in specific animals so does NOT
have more general FDA approval and therefore should not be used for
other animals or people.


This one gives an idea of fur regrowth times:

Finding a vet who has purchased this product:

Sukie (not a vet)  Ferrets make the world a game.

Recommended ferret health links:
all ferret topics:

"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)

A nation is as free as the least within it.

[Posted in FML 7712]