Eleanor wrote:
>I had 3 of my ferrets implanted a month ago with the Des imlants form
>the US company Virbac and have not seen any difference what so ever

I have found that the two more recent Deslorelin implants I've used on
two of my ferrets seem take longer to reach full effect than ones that
I used in the past. My girl Luna had one implanted two months ago and
it seems to just now be fully "working". Her energy level is better
than it's been in a long time and she's doing better over all.

The effectiveness of the Deslorelin implants cannot and should not
be measured based solely on hair regrowth. That is just one of many
symptoms caused by adrenal disease. If you want maximum non-surgical
effect in fighting adrenal disease, then ALSO use a melatonin implant
every 4 months. The two implants together will produce the best
results, including the best chance of hair regrowth. Also, sometimes
hair regrowth does not occur until the ferret reaches the time of a
coat change.

The Deslorelin implant slows down the advancement of adrenal disease
by slowing down the tumor growth. IF your ferrets have more advanced
adrenal disease, then the implants can only do "so much" to slow down
the tumor growth at that point, since the tumor or tumors are already
large. So, you may never see fur regrowth for a ferret with more
advanced adrenal disease. But that does NOT mean that the implant is
not working. It will still be slowing the tumor growth to what ever
degree is possible, and thus helping to provide your ferret with the
best quality of life that you can give it with non-surgical treatment
of adrenal disease.

Here's an article about adrenal disease and non-surgical treatment


In Loving Memory of Neo, Trinity, Morphy, Baby Girl, Dozer, Possum,
Pip, Pop, Sabrina, Minnie Mouse, Hunny, Misty, Frodo, Baggins, and
Mr. Parker
Caring for Luna, Boomer, Zoomer, and the Four Amigos

[Posted in FML 7711]