My own hopes HAD been that CA would legalize ferrets back when the CDC
data on rabies and ferrets came out and the improvements here happened
long ago:

At that time a good number of states which had banned ferrets
immediately legalized them while a few did so after positive
legislative and governors' actions based on that info, and so did
many smaller communities, but a number of smaller communities and
two states did not progress in that direction.

BTW, does anyone know which areas CURRENTLY are FFZs (an old term
meaning Ferret-free Zones, as in banned). As far as I know ferrets are
still banned in NYC. What about Washington DC now? One of the twin
cities had a ban. Still true? SLC banned them because they were listed
as livestock. Still true? Where else? A current list of FFZs on the FML
may be useful for people in those locations or with a planned move.

It may also be that people in FFZs could interact with each other and
share useful action plans, data, and bibliographies. Sharing a burden
can make it lighter.

[Posted in FML 7675]