My 4 year old jib, Deo, has been having diarrhea for about 6 months.
We took him to the vet, she checked his poop out and said there were
no parasites. She started him on a pro biotic. It didn't help so we
started him on flagyl for 5 days. He got better for a few months, but
then it was worse so we took him back.

We got an abdominal xray that didn't show a blockage, just a lot of
gas. He got some labs drawn, but it had clotted so we didn't get the
full results, but his metabolic panel showed low protein. We started
him on 1.5ml of prednisone 2x daily. He has been on that for about a
week and his poops are worse than ever.

I think he may have hemorrhoids because he can't just stay in the
litter box. He walks while he is going to the bathroom, which is
causing some carpet issues. The poops are very runny and have an
undigested protein look to them. He is eating and drinking fine and
his energy seems to be the same. He has never vomited or scratched
at his mouth with his paw.

I'm just not sure what to do anymore! The vet said that prednisone is
the first line treatment for most diseases (insulinoma, IBS, adrenal
disease, leukemia...), but shouldn't it have worked sooner? I'm afraid
that our vet isn't very knowledgeable about ferrets, but I don't have
anyone else to take him to. We tried taking away some treats that might
be causing the issue (ferrettone in particular), but it didn't seem to
do much for his GI issues.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


[Posted in FML 7671]