Dear FMLers --

Here is an email I've sent to administrators of The Donkey Sanctuary.
I know you can't see the photos, but just email me directly and I'll
send them on to you. They are great.

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Here are photos of Edilegnya, Sophie, and Sophie's little weanling
son, Biniam. First are pix of E's hoof at its worst and then of its
current state. Second you can see Edilegnya in his new happy
condition, ears forward, looking out at me.

Next are some recent photos in the woods near my house. They include
all three donkeys, their caretaker, Abrahame, a neighborhood boy,
Henok, and me, Nell. The most important photo shows Dr Chala working
on Edilegnya's infected hoof. As you might know, Dr Chala has been
taking care of Edilegnya for me for a long time, including making the
long trip from the Mercato to Addis Alem (Ambo Road).

Finally, there are two photos of dear Edilegnya -- first braying, and
then, last, greeting me at my car when I came home one day. He is a
docile, intelligent animal, and I believe he understands that I saved
him from dying when I first found him lying on the ground, unable to
walk to graze or drink.

I'm preparing to leave Ethiopia for Texas, in the US. Though I expect
to come back to Ethiopia from time to time, I would like to bring
Edilegnya to Texas. In his damaged state (from the auto injury to his
knee -- see the photo of him with Dr Chala), he would be at so much
risk without me to look out for him, that euthanasia seems to be the
miserable alternative.

I'm in my 70's, and my pension income can't provide the funds for
Edilegnya's transport. Do any of you have ideas for fundraising?
Once in Texas, he could live out his life with me and then with my
friends -- with good care, Edilegnya will surely outlive me, since
he is only about 14 years old.

Please don your thinking caps and help me find a way to rescue

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Of course I also want to save Binnie and Sophie. They can live a
normal Ethiopian donkey life here, whereas Edilegnya cannot, being
of no "value" to anyone. But Binnie and Sophie would have hard short
lives, and I will save them from it if I can.

[Posted in FML 7669]