I do not doubt Nell's sincerely nor do I question her honesty. That is
not what I am concerned about. What I do have a problem with is, where
will she be keeping the funds to bring her babies back. I have read
where the people she trusted ripped her off. Took her money and
possessions. How can she keep the money we send safe. Personally, I do
not want to support the people over there (through theft). Any monies
that I would send I would want to know are going to her and are safe.
It does no good to send her money if it is stolen. Also I would like to
know how much will the total cost be to bring her and her pets back.
Can she send the pets back 1 or 2 at a time. First the ferrets, then
the dogs, cats, donkeys. It may take time, but if she is saving to send
them all back at once and the monies are stolem. She just has to start
over again, and none of the pets are comming back. I am sure that there
are people who would gladly foster her babies. I know it I know hard
it would to be without them . But at least they would be in a better
atmosphere. The return home may have to be piece milled. Also with
sending the pets home a few at a time, she would have more time to
devote to getting the others home.


[Posted in FML 7688]