I get how hard it is these days to trust things regarding
money/donations and those who ask for help.....but here on the list, we
are a community and if anyone is wondering about anyone asking for help
here, a bit of research would have answered a lot of questions. Nell
has written many messages to this list and many of us are trying to
help her in various ways. This woman must leave where she lives....a
place that is not safe for her now, let alone her critters.

Nell has a wide open heart regarding animal welfare and her connection
to many of us here on the list, can and have already, vouched for her.
Some of us have been so lucky to have met her in person and from the
daily e mails she and I have written about our lives and our love of
ferrets and all creatures has created such a wonderful friendship. I am
donating money to her needs for animal transport and I hope other kind
soul's will help. It's tough to ask for help. We all have needed it at
some time or another so please imagine her plight and what will happen
if we all don't join as a community to help her critters.

She is a truely kind, caring and colorful woman and honest in her
needing funds to get back home soon.

I'll get off my soapbox now. : ) Cheers to all!

Jilli + 6 long cat's......

[Moderator's note: I don't recall some questions being answered before.
I encourage anyone to ask questions about fund raising activities.
There should be full disclosure if anyone has questions. BIG]

[Posted in FML 7688]