I'm really not sure what has been written on the FML concerning Nell
trying to get her animals to the US. I want to tell you somethings I
know about this person. I met her over a year ago on the FML. We
started e-mailing each other 2-3 times daily, we would talk about our
lives and animals. I loved hearing about her life there and all the
wonderful things she was trying to bring to that country. I also knew
of her love of animals and she has sent me so many wonderful pictures
of them and the people there. She had moved there years earlier with
her husband and fell in love with the country when he passed away she
moved back, she wanted to make a difference there. Her intentions on
helping these people were good and she tried, bringing vet supplies,
opening a sewing clinic and a small newspaper column. The culture and
way of life of the Ethiopians is so different from ours and it's hard
to communicate to these people and her businesses didn't get off the
ground. Things just kept going down hill. She was telling me some of
the problems she was having and I asked her why didn't she come back to
the US. She told me she didn't have any place to go and couldn't afford
to rent because the cost of living is so much higher than there. I told
her that I have two empty trailers on my property that we setting
vacant. Although they hadn't been lived in for a while, the bigger one
is solid and with a little cosmetic work it can still make a cozy
little home. I told Nell that if she ever needed a place to live my
doors were always open to her and her beloved animals. I know Nell and
she loves her animals, she will never come with out them. I also know
she doesn't have enough money to bring her animals home. I told her to
go on the FML and ask for help, tell the people that she needs help
bringing her animals back to the US. It's really South Texas, that's
where she will be coming to live. I have enough land that would support
her donkeys if by some miracle she did manage to get them here and a
huge fenced yard for her dogs. The cats would have to be in a big chain
link covered fence until we can make something better for them. Then
Nell said we could use the other trailer for them and the ferrets,
which was a great idea. We are going to build a huge enclosure for the
cats and let them have access to the trailer so they can get out of the
elements if necessary. I've never met Nell personally, but I don't have
to. She is the most generous kind hearted person and I can't wait until
she can finally get here with her animals. We have made so many
wonderful plans and talk of things we are going to do. She won't have
to worry about having to find a place to rent, and she'll be able to
take care of her animals and self on her income. I hope that I've shed
a little light on her situation and helped everyone to understand what
is going on with her. Please try to understand it was my idea that she
ask for help, I know she's a proud person and it was really hard for
her to do so, but it's her love for her animals that keeps her asking.
I understand that there are people who take advantage of good hearted
people. It's getting so bad that we are afraid to help others even
when we want to, but Nell isn't one of these people she is genuine and
really needs help to bring her animals home.

[Posted in FML 7687]