These reports are in humans and are breaking info, so not done on a
veterinary basis, yet, but may point to cautions.

In humans it is turning out that multiple users of a few types of
HIGH DOSE probiotics have been having complications for unknown
reasons according to
in two sequential monthly reports, with increased reporting of such
problems noted in the second newsletter.

CL members may find this URL useful IF I trimmed it right though it
does NOT discuss this problem. Non-members will likely not have access:

I do not know how to trim the access URL for the most recent article
to get CL members directly there so link from your most recent CL

Eosinophilic Syndrome is being seen and so are allergies, problems
apparently not see with the lower dose probiotics. Some of those
affected by the autoimmune disorder after taking high dose probiotics
are having what appears to be permanent motor and sensory deficits in
the extremities even after hospitalization and longterm treatment.

When puppies get a correct dose their immune systems are stimulated, so
perhaps a similar things happens but far too greatly when the immune
disorders occur after high doses:

Similar topic:

So, it is NOT that probiotics are bad, but that OVERDOING THEM CAN BE

Since many people give ferrets probiotics and their sizes are small
with dosing a bit of guessing game I suggest that anyone using
probiotics w ferrets check first with your veterinarians. That is
ALWAYS a good thing to do, but in this case it may be even more

A search in PubMed finds this report associated with the first cases
that were noted and then I think it was only brand but since has
broadened to other high dose ones after reading the CL report:


Case Report Rheumatol. 2012;2012:934324.
doi: 10.1155/2012/934324. Epub 2012 Dec 6.

Severe eosinophilic syndrome associated with the use of probiotic
supplements: a new entity?

Mendoza FA, Purohit S, Kenyon L, Jimenez SA.

Jefferson Institute of Molecular Medicine and Scleroderma Center,
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA ; Rheumatology
Division, Department of Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University,
Philadelphia, PA 19107, USA.

Severe eosinophilic syndromes related to the administration or use of
unsuspected immunogenic substances have been described previously. Many
of these diseases presented initially as clusters or isolated cases.
The spanish toxic oil syndrome, the eosinophilia myalgia syndrome,
and nephrogenic systemic fibrosis are examples of such diseases. We
describe 2 cases of a severe eosinophilic syndrome characterized by
marked peripheral blood eosinophilia (>15,000cells/ml), mononeuritis
multiplex, and necrotizing vasculitis which developed in a close
temporal association with the recent onset use of nonprescription
probiotics. There was no history of a prior autoimmune disease.
Although both cases had prompt response to immunosuppression with
rapid resolution of peripheral blood eosinophilia and accompanying
constitutional symptoms, they remained with permanent neurological

PMID: 23259129 [PubMed] PMCID: PMC3521401
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Full article for free:

Sukie (not a vet)  Ferrets make the world a game.

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"All hail the procrastinators for they shall rule the world tomorrow."
(2010, Steve Crandall)

A nation is as free as the least within it.

[Posted in FML 7686]