My adrenal male ferret has been on lupron monthly injections ($45) for
almost 2 years and doing well. My female probably has adrenal gland
disease, hair loss on tail and back and we are waiting for the lab
results from Tenn. to confirm. My vet mentioned getting her a delorean
implant that should last about a year, cost would be $200 implant plus
cost of giving her something to relax her plus fee for administering
it, probably close to $300 total cost.I was thinking of also changing
my male to the delorean, but my vet mentioned that it only lasts about
6 mo. in males. Does anyone have any experience with using the implant
in males? The vet is an hour 10 min. away and it is costly with the gas
and tolls every month. Of course I will do what is best for my little
ferts, but sure would be nice not to make that monthly trip. Any info

Leah in cold southern NJ

[Posted in FML 7682]