If you can see the attached photos or go look at them here, you'll see
the huge change. Please send your best to him to recover some more.

[Some pictures didn't load for me. I've reported it to Nell. BIG]

Here's what happened:

It's approaching 5am now. Jonas had his 2cnd Lupron shot yesterday
around 6pm, and this aft he began to fail. I was away, and by the time
I got home, around 6:30, he cdn't walk, wasn't eating, had glazed
eyes, and was shivering, but could lift his head. He'd soiled himself
w pee and poop, and his poop was mucoid, very soft, and light brown,
but didn't smell bad.

It seems to have been a coincidence that he got sick after his Lupron
shot, though I'm still a little suspicious of the lactated ringer. The
ringer is made here and ..... who knows what quality control was used
on it (the vet used 3cc of it to dissolve and inject w the Lupron

After looking him over, I hurriedly emailed two good and very
ferret-knowlegeable friends. They both think Jonas might have become
insulinomic. Also the possibility of contamination is still on all of
our minds.

****** What do you think? Here's what I did and what happened.*******

After exchanging several emails and battling the failing internet
connection, I began to work on the poor little guy. I syringed him w
chicken soup. and got abt 1cc of broth and ferretone into him in .2cc
doses. He ground his teeth during the last half of that process. Then
he had a nap and woke significantly better. He could walk, and his
eyes were alert -- not 100% bright, but pretty good.

I gave him a little molasses, which he fought -- I was happy to see the
fight he put up -- quite a good bit of energy, and before his nap he
could not have put up any resistance. But he had a little attack almost
immediately afterwards -- ran to a corner and then lost his pee and
poop and collapsed (not sure which order that came in it was all close
together). He then slept.

I stayed w him for some time, left to re-email, and then came to find
him shivering again, so I gave him a bit more molasses, which, this
time, he enjoyed. I'm pretty sure that the shivering stopped before I
gave the molasses. It didn't recur.

Then I tried a small dose of dexmethasone to see if it wd turn him
around. It didn't seem to, but he'd had a bit of molasses shortly

*****Would that have interfered with the dexmethasone?*****

So again soup, and this time he ate quite a bit, each time licking
the syringe and taking off the bits of chicken which always ended
up blocking the tip. But he refused to eat from the dish.

During all this time, the only time he really peed or pooped was when
he lost control of himself -- though he tried to use the litter box,
only the tiniest amounts came out.

After he'd eaten his fill, he walked around, tried the litter box and
then went into his cage and borrowed, fast, again and again into the
corner of his sleep sack. It turned out that he lost his poop and pee

It's been 2.75 hrs since then, so I am going to feed him again and
then get some sleep.

********** What are your opinions and advice? *************

[Posted in FML 7682]