Linda Soule's listing of her Bridge Babies prompted me to make this
post. As many of you know I have the extended version of the Rainbow
Bridge story on my website and it contains an on-going list of babies
that have passed from this world to the next.

It is amazing as I look over the list at the sheer number of names
listed there. I don't charge anything for what I do, I am not asking
for anything, it is just something I do for people in some small way
to maybe help with the crushing pain they are feeling. At times we
all need a helping hand with our grief; a trusted friend to talk to;
someone who understands that ache we feel when we are trying to catch
our breath, thank goodness for the wonderful Rainbow Bridge Greeters
we have here, the on-line greeting cards we send to one-another, and
then the small little thing I do.

Feel free to send me your list, we all have them; its that list of
"gone but not forgotten", that list as someone here mentioned the
other day; when she speaks to her wee-one each night when she says her
prayers, it is "THAT" list we all have. Send me yours and I will add
the names to the ongoing list of Bridge Babies I have listed there.

~Karen~ (")_(").:*

The Crocheted Ferret
Home Of The Famous DerbyEggs
Over 1,000 dozen sold and that makes for a LOT of happy ferrets.

[Posted in FML 7676]