Well as I drifted off to sleep last night I thought to myself...did I
see Joy tonight? So, this morning while preparing the raw meat plate at
6:45 a.m., a quick head count reveals NO Joy! Joy is a raw meat piggy
and would not miss chow call! So I finish preparing the plate and all
the others are eating nicely. Then time to shower, get the skin kiddo
out the door, all the time looking everywhere possible for my beloved
Joy! Kid out the door, ferrets playing chase and catch fun time! I
shower, look for Joy as I dry and change. Pulling open drawers,
closets, boxes, rushing to get out the door to work! Finally, I had to
leave. Very unhappy. Trying to listen to my inner thoughts and feelings
to see if I can "feel/sense" where she is. I get the "feeling" she is
in the house, but is that just me denying she could be outside?
Irritable all day at work. Thinking about Joy. Thinking about the cats
in the neighborhood I see out. There are not stray dogs or loose dogs
in our neighborhood. Driving home and hear the weather forecast.
Plummeting temps into the 20's by Monday. Snow flurry chances. Now I
start crying...seeing my frozen baby girl in my mind. Run in the house,
drop all my bags, grab the flashlight and start in one corner of the
house and work my way to my room. Start in the top of the closet
because my thin little Penny Pookins, the resident acrobat, LOVES to
live up on this shelf. I get a chair, stand up on it...who is sitting
there in her stunning beautiful winter coat? Uh-huh! Joy! "Hi Mom!,
boy I love it up here, see dis suitcase? I figured out how to work the
zipper! I can sleep in it"! "Hey Mom? Why you look so upset? Mom?"
Thank the Lord! I lost my Lizzy on Dec 27th last Christmas due to
cancer. The whole month of December last year was just awful...a
disaster. I don't know what I would have done, or how I would have
gotten through the holidays without Joy, or any of my ferrets not
present! I feel like I do head counts every hour and still can't
keep up with them!!! Silly ferrets!!!!

Lindsey Tootle
Dallas, Texas

[Posted in FML 7634]