1) Rose German's Facebook auction is the fastest, easiest way for me
to quickly browse, and follow! Since I leave Facebook open most of the
time, I toggle over and see what's up. I know there is always quality
items, reasonable pricing. Also, if you want to find something unusal,
you must might find it on Rose's site. I trust where my money is going!
I don't have to log into another account/website etc.

2) I don't "Twitter" or subscribe to any other social media. I don't
have time. The changes that Facebook and all social media make so
frequently is hard to keep up with.

3) When I want to see what is going on in the ferret world, I type in
"ferret" into the search box. As well, most of us have at least 10
ferret friends, some outside of the states. I feel I have a "balanced"
network of ferret friends that I have met through Facebook and have
developed friendships through.

I really find it hard to believe you are knocking Facebook. It's a fact
that this is where most of the world communicates when desiring to
communicate with more than one person. Almost all of the businesses I
shop at also have Facebook pages.

I have learned sooooo much about Ferret Health, Ferret Associations,
Feeding raw etc. Not on these people's website's either. It's their
Facebook pages!

As well, people have the choice as to where they want to publish/post.
You didn't make any suggestions as to where we should be posting
auctions. All you said was Facebook isn't the best way to get exposure.

Lindsey L. Tootle
Dallas, Texas

[Posted in FML 7633]