One of our boys, Stoli, who is predicted to be 4-5yrs old, had some
tests done.

The urinalysis that we had done showed no bacteria, crystals or
anything else bad...which was great (the blood he peed after was only
the one time and he's been fine, our vet explained what happened)

We expressed our concern over some issues, including his diminishing
hair (he's not bald anywhere, but becoming sparse on his belly after
his fall shed) she said that it could be nothing...or the beginning if
something. He's so healthy otherwise. We went ahead and had the blood
test done to be certain rather than wait it out.

Turns out...Stoli is in the very beginning of being adrenal. We have
no experience with sick ferts, as he's our first to come down with

It's weird having done all this reading on a hear
stories...and then be faced with one of our "babies" having it. I'm
glad we caught it early though!

While I'm fully aware that there are MOUNTAINS of posts through the
FML and the yahoo group...its overwhelming.

If any of you want to email me with what you would do for your ferret
(surgery, implant, shot) it would help me tremendously.


Lelu, Stoli, Oscar and Tessa

[Posted in FML 7633]