Hi everyone, it's been awhile since I've posted. I just wanted you
folks to know Richmond Ferret Rescue League is still up and hanging
in there, thanks to our same group of volunteers & foster homes who
do all of the hard work. This is a difficult time of the year for me,
personally, and all of us RFRL families are hectic with ferrets,
work & life. We've had 15 adoptions in 2012 with 58 surrendered.

Paige Collier & Karen Lamb still handle our adoptions while I
concentrate on the older geriatric fuzzies. Our 3 foster homes take
in "fosters", love, care & end up with the older unwanted fuzzies as
permanents. Between us, we have 87 ferrets in our homes. Karen Lamb
put our ferrets up on the giving tree this year (yay!).

So, that's what we've been dooking. Happy Holidays to everyone and
their ferrets from all us at RFRL.

Marlene Blackburn
Director, RFRL

[Posted in FML 7632]