Dear All:

During the beginning of this month was our beloved little Blizzard's
birthday. He would have been 10 years young. As it turns out we needed
to help him over The Bridge in August 2008. We still miss him still
very much and would like his name to live on.

We established The Blizzard Memorial Fund back in 2008. Money is
collected for this fund and administered by the good people at Support
Our Shelters (SOS).

Blizzard was the amazing little guy who inspired us to set up a fund in
his name to help abused, neglected and abandoned ferrets who were not
loved and treasured as he was during his too short of a lifetime.

"Blizzard was a wonderful ambassador and this memorial is a great way
to recognize his contribution wherever you took him. Congrats to you
and your wife for giving him the opportunity to show people what a
great and loving friend ferrets can be."--Barb and the Underfoot Family

Won't you help these ferrets that are still alive that have so much to
give, and give it unconditionally to those that will love them?

Please send your checks today to Support Our Shelters and put Blizzard
Memorial Fund in the memo line.

Make checks payable to "Support Our Shelters" and mail to:

Support Our Shelters
100 Walsh Road
Lansdowne, PA 19050


501(c)3 non-profit Tax ID: 23-3062176
Tax-Deductible Donations through PayPal <> to:
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We thank you, the ferrets you will be helping, and if Blizzard is still
waiting for us at The Rainbow Bridge, we are very positive that he
would thank you as well by kissing you on your nose!

Thank you!

Mark Sonder, CSEP
Chief Entertainment Officer
Mark Sonder Productions, Inc.

author, Event Entertainment and Production
(Wiley c. 2004)

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[Posted in FML 7655]