As many of you have become familiar with me over the years, you know
I am part of a law enforcement, EMS and military family along with my
involvements with the ferret community and healing.

As it was for many Americans, the events in Connecticut were hard to
hear and watch. As a past public school teacher, Mom, first responder,
& law enforcement savvy wife; thoughts, images, worries and heartbreak
have been racing through my head for the past few weeks. Sometimes I
wish I were not so informed.

Thank God for the animals' needs and love to help me disconnect if
even for a while.

Any peace and healing we were headed toward has been put on hold in
our local community and neighboring suburb of Rochester; Webster, NY.
Sadly, we made the national news as two of our volunteer firefighters
were murdered when responding to a fire that eventually displaced a
total of 33 residents, injured two more firefighters and an off duty
police officer. All of this the day before Christmas. While our son was
not injured, he was part of the first responders sent to the scene for
medical support. He has images that will be with him for a long time
to come - an unfortunate part of the job for too many professions.

Friday will be a long day honoring first, a fallen soldier, all of
27 years old from our town here in Brockport. Later our two fallen
firefighters will be remembered, followed by individual funerals and
funeral processions; if you have not seen or participated in one, it
is an event to be remembered for a life time. The best of mankind and
America shines forth.

With all of the above happening, I have chosen to take a respite from
the Internet and pull my energies toward the healing of my family, my
community and myself. I do want to send condolences to so many who have
lost their fuzzies in the recent weeks and days. I wanted you to know
that I have been thinking of you, but have been unable to spend the
time to express my sympathy for your losses as I often am able to do.

With so many folks suffering hard times or just being unkind and
stupid, we have more than doubled the numbers of critters in our keep.
I am hopeful over this respite to collect on the affections of said
creatures. I'm particularly energized by dooking, war dancing and
common thievery of ferrets.

May you all be recipients of acts of kindness and love for 2013; and
givers as well.

Cathy Ryan
Feed rescued animals in two clicks

[Posted in FML 7653]