Dear Fellor FMLers

Merry Christmas to all. Hope all is good with all of you out there. I
did get a jolt yesterday tho., I went into the fret room and discovered
one of my lil girls in the cage with our old bunny. No there wasnt any
fear in bunny and both of them just sat theree looking at me as if
nowwhatishe gonnado look on their lil faces... I quickly took Weassie
out of the cage with a very noticable look on her face as if she was
not happy being disturbed while visiting her friend in the othr cage...
The bunny is now about 8 years old and has spent most of that time
living with them furrats that now it doesn't seem to phase him a bit.
Meanwhile back at the ranch..... I have been busier than a one armed
paper hanger... Yeah he is busy for sure but me.... I have been busier
than that. Got some good stuff done and this palce cleaned up but still
have a bit more to go. We are doing our Spring cleaning a bit early
this year.. But a happy new year to all and lst all hope it is a better
year than this one was.... Best to all

Fred Hurd
Reno Nevada

After All It Is For The Ferrets!!!

[Posted in FML 7651]