One day a girl walked into my store
Carrying a pet I’d not seen before

A ferret – “what’s that?” – I had no clue
But I knew right away I wanted one of you

I waited excitedly until came the time
I could go pick you up and make you mine

You were a ball of fur in the palm of my hands
What was to come I did not understand

No training, no knowledge, I took you home
I did my research and managed your roam

You filled my heart with so much joy
A scoundrel but also a good little boy

Your play and curiosity were sublime
And I learned ferret proofing in record time

But it did cost me a few minor repairs
When you saw the washer hose and learned to climb stairs

A bump under my sheets, you’d lie in wait.
And you climbed like a king to the top of the gate

The litter box you never missed
And oh the joy when I was ferret kissed

But in just eight short years came a great shock
Adrenal disease the vet said he’s got

The surgery worked, you grew back your hair
Even though a slight hemorrhage gave me a scare

You were a trooper and for months did so well
Then came a seizure that put us through hell

The vet tried her best but the choices were few
Either seize or deep sleep, that was no life for you.

With showering tears and a heart full of woe
We said our goodbyes and I let you go

You spoiled me in learning about your kind
So a ferret in my home you will always find

At the bridge you are the greeter of all my crew
I rescue and love them because of you

(Thank you for opening my world to ferrets 20+ years ago)


[Posted in FML 7651]