Hello again to all of you.

Tonight I'll send some information about the terrible world the animals
would fall into if left behind here in Ethiopia. [next post] I do not
want to write about it because it is horrible. I will though, because
you'll immediately see why I would not leave them, and how much they
(and I) need your help.

Bid early and often,
The auction's been extended, and we're up to $25!

The info's below, slightly updated with  ****new info.****

 - - - - - - - -
>Hello Ferret Friends,
>As many of you know, I need to move my ferrets and other animals out
>of Ethiopia and back to the US.

***** If left behind, the ferrets, dogs, cats, and the injured donkey
would all die nasty deaths within a short time. The mother and baby
donkey would suffer a hard, abnormally short life. *****

>You can read about my project for transporting the animals to America
>and see several photos of my animals and me here:
>         http://www.gofundme.com/1l8da0
>         http://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o492/celebrateoften/

**** Here you can see pix of one of my cats, Alula, who fell into a
pit of inadvertent abuse and then was rescued *****


Soon I will make myself describe a few common deliberate abuses.

>A kind friend in the US has donated this nice silver ring in the form
>of a ferret that's wrapped itself around your finger.
> http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL74/133183/8541089/405016162.jpg
>Let's have an auction!
> 1. Make your best offers by email to me up until
> 2, The winner (you, of course!) will then have till
>    6pm to send the price either to the fundraising
>    site or, via PayPal, to me directly.
>    http://www.gofundme.com/1l8da0
> 3. And then my friend will send the ring to you.
>Want to see more photos of my animals and my life here in Ethiopia?
>You'll probably be surprised at how green and mild the area is. The
>first landscape photo was taken just after the rainy season.
>     http://s1144.photobucket.com/albums/o492/celebrateoften/

[Posted in FML 7650]