21 years ago we got our first ferret, Lillian Marie. I knew nothing
about ferrets and very little about the internet. When she was five she
lost her fur and her vulva swelled up. I took her to the same vet I'd
always taken her to and he said she had advanced cancer and should be
put to sleep right then and there. I left in tears. He called and told
my son that I was sentencing Lillian to a long slow death and needed to
have her put to sleep. My son went into action, searching the web until
he found the FML. From there we learned that she probably had adrenal
disease. I started calling all the vets I could find until finally I
found the one I still use today. He operated on Lillian and she grew
back her fur and lived another two years. I'd never have had those two
more years if it hadn't been for the FML and all the wonderful people
on it.


[Posted in FML 7649]