
Do believe your Luci is an Alpha female. Sounds a lot like our Sassy
who was deaf.

She rode herd on all the other ferrets, even the four pound plus big
boys. She ate shoulder to shoulder from the Duk soup plate, ferretone
and cream plates. Was feisty all the eight years we had her up to the
day she passed at age 11 +. From the noise she made you would think
someone was putting a death scruff on her but it was her way of
intimidating the others. We just got use to hearing her scold the
others. Took a long time to learn that they have tough skin and if
there is no blood, no foul. If there was blood, it was most likely
mine trying to break up the scruff wrestle.

Now have two females vying for the Alpha position. Meina the blind in
one eye Albino and Zoey the acrobatic Sable. They have mellowed out
some and I think they have come to terms to share the top ferret
position. They still aren't afraid to scold or wrestle the four pound
boys who are two to three times their size. The joy of being owned by


[Posted in FML 7600]