Hi everyone,

I have a question, over the last 2 years ferret math has resulted in me
going from zero to four ferrets. Introducing each new addition worked
well. Ernest and Amelia accepted Herbert and the 3 of them then
accepted Jasper. On a roll . However the math has gone a little wonky
as Daisy, the somewhat mad 1 year old cat has arrived. The cat has
seen the ferrets and been upto the cage, with no hisssing or other
signs of aggression from either side. Im looking to move soon and know
that it will more than likely be more stressful for the cat than the
ferrets. My fiancee has had success with her three cats with Felliway
to calm them down when things get a tad stressful like holidays. I'm
wondering if Felliway has any adverse affect on the behaviour of
ferrets? Any thoughts?



[Posted in FML 7600]