12cc's of cloudy bacteria filled fluid drained from the cyst on the
prostate. Both adrenals are enlarged. Surgery not an option, with all
that is going on Simba is not a good surgical candidate. Simba has
fibrosarcoma that grew over his shoulder and back of his neck. Our vet
removed as much as he could and we knew it would only buy us some time
before it regrew. That tumor is regrowing over his right shoulder,
started 3 weeks after surgery, but seems to be contained to one area 
at this time. Simba is on Lupron, Finasteride, Baytril, Vit C, and now
adding chloramphenical. He takes dexamethasone for insulinoma and to
help with inflammation. I started him on Nopalea last night to help
with inflammation. I'll add cranberry powder too. Simba is in good
spirits and I hope we can manage this health problem without having
to make the final decision, at least for awhile. Draining the prostate
and adding another antibiotic is our last option. I hope this helps
Simba so he can stay with us awhile longer.


[Posted in FML 7599]