We're starting a campaign to get Air Canada to change their minds
on their unfair pet policy which currently excludes ferrets, while
allowing cats and dogs.

We are hoping to achieve 10,000 signatures as quickly as possible
to forward to Air Canada in order to let them know that their is a
"demonstrated interested" from their customers, and people around the
world. They will be the first major airline in North America to allow
ferrets on board, since Delta no longer allows it.

We are currently at 70 signatures, but I know we can do far better.
Thank you for all those that have signed the petition already and
shared it amongst your friends. For those that haven't it is crucial to
gather more support for the success of this campaign, so please sign &
share it! The best way for this petition to grow is to share it on
facebook, forwarded emails, twitter, or youtube :)

You can sign the petition here:

You can find more details about the procedures to travel with ferrets
by shipping them unattended here:

Thank you,
Rachel & Rolo

[Posted in FML 7624]