Dear Lavon

Do not cancel your surgery !!! I was faced with the same problem
except mine was total spine fusion. I was told NEVER to bend over
as I'm fused from my neck all the way to my tail.

I got a basket with a handle and my ferrets quickly learned that
when I lowered it to the floor they were to hop in it. They love
it - it's going for a ride. I lift the basket up and transfer
them to my arms.

I'm now in a wheelchair due to both knees having total joint
replacement. The basket still works. The harder part was cleaning up
the accidental pees and poops. That requires grabbers with handles,
sponges on sticks and/or pooper scoopers. I also use pee pads in all
rooms and those are easy to pick up using a grabber. And the ferrets
are pretty good about using them. I buy them at Walmart in the people
incontinent section - cheaper than the pet aisle.

Feel free to email me with any other concerns and good luck - you and
your ferrets will be happy when it's all done.

BEST, Lorraine in Virginia

[Posted in FML 7621]