Good Morning!

The good news is that the two littlest girls rescued from the midtown
Memphis hoarding house are much much better today! They are gaining a
little weight and are continuing to drink their soupies and I noticed
the little black sable eat a few kibbles last night!! Yeah!!!

Up and around a bit this morning, slowly crawling through tubes, and
walking around their playpen, the girls appear happy to be safe and

So many of you nice people have asked how you can help the hoarding
ferrets. My goodness, we have gotten so many nice things for them...
toys, treats, and bedding. Thank you.

Many nice folks have also inquired about monetary donations for their
vet care. Thank you soo much for your offers of kindness...

The vet bills, thus far, have been taken care of either by the American
Humane Association or by very generous friends of the shelter here in
the midsouth who have heard their stories and have been moved by their
fragile condition and their fight to survive after their rescues.
Mostly for the two little girls who were soo close to death upon rescue
from midtown Memphis last week. The AHA paid for the initial vet care
for the "Party of Five" under their Red Star Program. And, my personal
vet has donated his professional services and time for the two little
girls still under active medical care. And kind friends of the shelter
here locally have donated a total of $325.00 (plus change) towards
their vaccinations and medicines.

If you would like to help our shelter and the seven ferrets taken from
the two hoarding houses in the past few weeks, you can contribute to
our food fund at Performance Foods/Totally Ferret as they are probably
going to spend many weeks yet at the shelter before they can be adopted
out. And it does not have to be much, every little bit helps feed
ferrets. OR, you can send nice little contribution to the American
Humane Association in Colorado, the organization who took over the
rescue at the horrible hell-hole in Moscow - the first rescue, and they
paid for the initial vet bills for the "Party of Five" taken from that
situation. OR, you can send a nice little donation to SOS, my favorite
charity - to my shelter that is. LOL! So many rescues and
shelters need help during these challenging times.

Thank you again for all of your kind words of encouragement for me and
for the seven ferrets rescued and for all of your prayers - I know it
worked. I am afraid to say it out loud for fear I will somehow jinx it,
but I believe in my heart the girls are going to survive! What an
absolute miracle that is! Trust me, many did not think they would last
the day, let alone survive, last week when they were rescued. But all
of the prayers sent I know got them through and on the road to recovery
and to a long, long happy life. Thank you!!

Maren Qualls
Raisins From Heaven Ferret Rescue & Sanctuary
Hernando, MS
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