For those who facebook- there is an Auction Fundraiser to help
Dave & Chris of Oregon Ferret Shelter
- started today - ends Saturday 7:00 PM EST!/events/368857683200151/
Auction to Help OREGON FERRET SHELTER -Chris & DAVE are in Dire need of
immediate help & assistance

DAVE just had surgery & is out of work for a few weeks or more & they
have 200 shelter ferrets in need.

They can use helping hands at the shelter, money, gift certificates.
Even a $5 donation is a lot when combined with others $5. They are a
huge shelter that rarely asks for help, but they have a situation
beyond their control. *****Please PM if you have something to add for
Donation to help *****ALL PROCEEDS will go to the OFS in this Auction.

PLEASE help by Donating direct ( [log in to unmask] )
or bidding on this Auction- Starts today and ends SATURDAY NOV 3 at
7:00 PM EST

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Please consider adding a item you would like to Donate & send 100 %
of Proceeds to the OFS


[Posted in FML 7595]