[Pie O.]

Dear Mum,

On May 22 of this year, my brother Finnegan T. Hob came my way. He,
like so many other fuzzits, was allowed to pass peacefully into the
twilight of that day. In all that time you never asked for a greeting,
but I know you grieved, and are still grieving, so I wanted to remind
you what you tell others. Making decisions like this are difficult, and
they should be, because all life is so very precious, but making that
decision for Finny was the right one to make and you know it. You tell
people that in making this choice they are doing what not only what is
right, but they are also allowing their beloved fur kids to leave in
the arms they love, in a state of blissful peace, and when they awaken
from that sleep they are in a much better place.

And he is.

He talks about the very first day he was brought home, well not home,
but with you guys to Savannah. He was just a tiny, skinny, course
furred dark-eyed white, who was a horrible biter, and how over the
first few months, and loads of love and egg yokes, he became this
bubbly, soft, baby fuzz, and not as bad of a biter as he was in the

That's what you called him, "My Baby Fuzz", and he was, and still is. I
know how much you loved him, how much you loved us all, and so I made
sure that everyone was there when he arrived. He didn't need to be
announced, he was family after all, and family always finds one and
another in the end right? You tell people that too.

He helped you with the dishes, he helped you make the bed, he helped
you unload groceries and even when you packed to move to the new house
- with a MUCH bigger ferret room I dare say. He helped when you when
you were sick, helped you when you were in pain, and when nothing else
seem to go right, Finny always did.

Right to your heart and through it, and around it and back, again, and
again, and again.

It's painful to write a greeting for someone you love, because I loved
him too, he gave me a chance to bring a bit of myself back into your
life. I know it because when you looked at him, you would say, "I see a
bit of Pie in you.", and you were right, that little red gleam in his
dark eyes was always me. Both of us looking after you. So when he left,
and that window closed, it hurt me to not be able to be there for you,
even if I was hitching a ride on your Baby Fuzz.

I know that you saw him as you one, true, ferret love, and I know he
saw you as the same, and that life is never going to be the same, but
life moves on, and eventually so will the pain. You tell mum's and
dad's this as well. I guess what I am saying is please take the best
of that advice you have given to me to share with others, and use it.
Allow those tears to fall as often as you need, hold his picture close
and speak his name softly over and over again, watch his funny video's,
post his picture on Facebook, do what ever it takes for you to find
your way back to remembering the very best of Finny with great joy,
and laughter instead of with pain, and tears.

He loved you
He loves you
And you feel the same, and that's all that matters in the end.

I love you too mum, we all do!!!!!

Pie O' Pah 

[Posted in FML 7592]