[Leah D.]

Dear Leah,

I know everyone has wondered where the Bridge Greeters have gone, but
we are not. We have all had issues, and blows dealt to us for which
we are having a difficult time in resolving. For me it is my mum. She
was in a serious car accident in September and is still dealing with
pain as a result of it. Before that she had been only 4 short months
recovered from a previous fall and was doing her best to keep up with
all of the Greetings on the FML.

I was given a whole boat loads of scrolls and was working my way
through them when I become overwhelmed by trying to keep up with them
and everything else in my life as well as in my mum's life too. So all
I can do is apologize for not writing soon enough and do my best to
let you know that Skittles is fine.

I know it was the beginning of spring when Skittles came over here, and
giggling at her name, because of those "Taste the Rainbow" commercials.
When she came over and I couldn't stop myself from licking her right on
the face. She pulled back from me and asked me why I had done that, and
I told her I wanted to see if she was as sweet as her name implied.

She was :)

As she stood there, she held close to herself this large t-shirt. It
was well worn and full of love, you could see and smell it. and she
had this large ribbon in her paw.

"These are mine", she said protectively

"I know they are Skittles", I replied, but bet we can make them so they
will be easier for you to take everywhere.

Her eyes got really big and shiny and she inquired, "Really?"

And I said really. Then I walked forward, and with a touch to her paws,
I watched as the t-shirt changed to just her size, and then she was
wearing it. The ribbon too became smaller, and jeweled into a brooch
she could proudly wear upon her Skittles sized t-shirt.

She looked perfect, and perfectly happy too.

These things you send with us, are not only a way of putting a piece
of you with us, but it is also a way of us carrying part of you with
us until you come home.

Skittles then kissed me and told me thanks, asked me to PLEASE tell
you she was feeling like a kit again, and off she ran with the fuzzits
who had gathered to greet her.

In Love & In Comfort,
Pie O' Pah

[Posted in FML 7592]