Oh dear...so I de-lurk to ask for some advice. My 4 y.o. female has for
some reason just begun eating things she had never eaten before. Pretty
much anything nylon. She was eating through my nylon knee-his until I
discovered it and threw them all out and hid the other ones where she
couldn't get to them. So what did she attack next? My bathing suit -- I
just found two pieces of bathing suit in her poop and a giant hold in
my suit.

What could possibly explain this behavior? Is she bored? I have not had
a problem until the last couple of months. Would some medical ailment
cause this?

Any insights -- as well as ideas about how to curb this behavior -- are
very welcome.

Amy, Dave, Sarah and Paul
And their gaggle of giggling ferrets
RIP Ian, Elektra, Claudia, Sidney, Max, Hannah, Fritz, Fiona, Felix
and Rory
Missing Tasha

[Posted in FML 7590]