Thirteen ferrets are here... all were loaded with fleas & earmites
but now treated and bathed. Pictures and bios coming soon.

5 of the 13 have adrenal disease with possibly 2 others who might be.
With shedding season could just be shedding hair loss. Started Lupron
till we can afford Des implants.

1 has insulinoma

5 appear to be healthy although 2 have masses in abdomen. Scheduling
biopsies for next week.

Eleven have horrible teeth plaque and some dental disease. All need
teeth cleanings.

I have given all first series of distemper vaccines (merial Purevax for
ferrets) @ $10.00 each( which is half of what we have raised $260.00 in
donations) with only 1 mild reaction. Another series will follow in 4
weeks. Fecals, ADV test were done and all negstive... YEA!!!

As the ferrets are vetted in groups over the next 2 weeks, they will be
vaccinated for Rabies (Imrab-3) after bloodwork, exam and any needed

Please, if you can help us help them, make a donation thru paypal to
addy [log in to unmask] . Donations are tax deductible as we
are a registered 501(c)3 Non-Profit.

We are also in need of bedding... gently used is fine, supplements,
ivermectin, revolution flea products and homes for these babies and
the other 136 ferrets in the shelter.

Thank you to all of you who have already donated and to those who will.


Diane Campbell
President / Operator
Ferret Guardian Rescue Haven
3110 Lewis Austin Ln
HUdson, NC 28638
828-728-7101 Fax: 828-728-7048

[Posted in FML 7581]