Hello my name is Heather Honeycutt. I live in Choctaw Oklahoma. In
the past I had a ferret rescue but Had to shut it down due to a move.
When my 11 year old daughter asked for a ferret for her 12th birthday
I hesitated but thought we can do this! I looked through adds on
craigslist and found my daughter a ferret I went and picked her up. She
looked small and thin. They said they had been feeding her cat food,
So I thought well this would be why she looks so small. As soon as I
picked her up I went to Pets Mart and got her some Marshalls Ferret
Diet. I thought this would be the best for her. Little did I know this
was not why she looked so small and frail. She had been doing good
until just a few days ago. When my daughter got her for her Birthday
she was so excited! She has cuddled this baby, and took very good
care of her spoiling her Rotten! She named her Diva. Because she had
sunglasses on her eyes. (She is a Sable).

Yesterday I was sick, I have Parkinsons and have my good days and my
bad, but yesterday was the worst I have ever had, So I had slept till
1pm. When I woke up I went to the bathroom and did not hear Divas
normal scurrying in her cage, concerned I went in my daughters room to
check on her. I found her lifeless. She was still breathing but in very
bad shape! I managed to get some fluids down her and called the vet! I
rushed Diva to the vet keeping her attention on me the entire time. As
soon as I got her there they rushed her into the back. The doctor came
out what seemed to be about a hour after although im sure it was not
that long! The doctor brought me an estimate of $858.00 I wanted to
cry! You see my daughters dad has had nothing to do with her for 10
years! Her grandmother on his side was the only one who had anything
to do with her, and she commited suicide In July, My daughter has been
on medications ever since suffering from Depression. So loosing this
ferret No matter what cost was not an option. I told the doctor just
please do what you have to do to Keep Diva alive. Knowing All I had in
my pocket was $40.00 because the money we had saved up for years was
spent on the 6 hour trip to the funeral of her grandmother, and to an
attorney because we are in a custody battle for our son, who has a
mother who has took us to court after abandoning her son and using
drugs has took us to court to try and get full custody, We have been
in this custody battle for almost 6 years now. (If you would like to
verify that you can call our attorney at 405-474-1186, The doctor went
back to check on Diva when she came back again she said even though we
did not have the money she went ahead and put Diva on an IV and did
some x rays and that there was a forieghn object in Diva and they would
have to do explortory surgery to get it out! But they would have to
stabalize her first! Worried I was up most of the night calling every
hour on the hour to check on Divas progress! As of 7am this morning,
The update was that Diva was finally drinking on her own but was still
not eating. They said that they have her on oxygen but are going to try
and ween her off that today.

So now I am sure you are wondering why I have e mailed you! I need help
so Diva can get this surgery today! You can call the vet and verify My
story. I have also enclosed all the information for the vet and my
information! If there is ANY little bit you can do to help us please
please do. The surgery is going to cost $1500.00, all of my money is
gone. I cannot let my daughters ferret die. I was raised a Christian
and I know God will see us through this! He never gives us more than
what we can handle!

If you are willing to help you can make a payment through there website
at https://www.neelvet.com/i-paypal.html

It will ask these questions,

Full Name * Heather Honeycutt
Client Number *81640
Phone Number *405-445-8038
Service Provided *Veterinary Care
Payment Amount * the amount you can help out with

Neel Veterinary Hospital
(405) 947-8387
2700 N Macarthur Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73127

We also have a chip in account,

I know this is a lot to ask, but please help me and my daughter keep
her baby alive! I know god works in amazing ways, and I know he will
see us through this! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Thank you, 

Heather Honeycutt
900 Edgewood Dr.
Choctaw OK 73020

[Posted in FML 7548]