I was wondering how many of you get deslorelin implants before knowing
whether or not your ferrets have adrenal disease. If you are using it
preventively, are/were your ferrets free of adrenal disease? I am
debating whether or not to get the implants for my 2 new ferrets though
they show no signs of adrenal disease (as far as I know). It is very
expensive here, and they always want to do the TN panel beforehand,
which makes it even more expensive.

My 20 mo. old male, Spooky, has darker than what I've seen to be
normal urine. It is a dark/yellowlight brown urine. He drinks and pees
normally in frequency and amount and shows no signs of being ill in
any way. Can it be from a food change? I've only had him 2 mos. but I
switched him & Xena from 8-in-1 (the one with all the sweets) to TF
Turkey, Venison, Lamb

Thanks for any info.
Spooky & Xena
Missing Angels Rocky, Minky & Klondike

[Posted in FML 7546]