It has been suggested I share this with the group, so I am. From
January through today, I have adopted out 63 ferrets. I try to keep no
more than 20 ferrets on hand and work very hard to get ferrets adopted
out into good homes so I can keep the numbers low, but mainly so I have
the room to take in ferrets that need help. Seven of those 63 were
returns. Only two of those returns were because the family decided
against ferrets once they got them. The others were unavoidable.

I post all my ferrets on PetFinder, my rescue Facebook page and on
Craigslist. A majority of my ferrets are adopted through Craigslist.
I am constantly updating the postings on Craigslist so the postings
stay visible. I do the same on PetFinder so the postings are fresh
and attract more attention.

I also get referrals from vets, pet stores and such. I try to leave a
card with any business that has to do with animals, in case they come
across a ferret needing help but also in case they hear of someone
wanting a ferret. PetSmart, where ferrets are sold, actually referred
someone to me because they thought the person needed a more mature
ferret rather than a baby!

I do adoption / education set ups at PetSmart. I don't take ferrets
with me. I take information about ferrets for adoption, along with
ferret information sheets and business cards.

Don't think I'm able to adopt out that many because I let just anyone
adopt either. I have a rigorous approval process that includes emailing
back and forth with the person; sending them ferret information emails
to read over to be sure they know what they are getting into; talking
with them on the phone; having them fill out an adoption application;
calling their reference; doing a home visit if they live within 45-60
minutes of me; having the entire family / household come to my home to
see how they interact with ferrets, to make sure this is the right kind
of pet for them and to show them medical issues with other ferrets so
they can recognize them; making sure they have all the supplies needed;
and having them sign and initial a detailed two page adoption contract.

I follow up with the person within a couple of days and continue to
follow up regularly every week, then every couple of weeks, then every
couple of months and eventually a couple of times a year. I send emails
to remind them when the next melatonin implant is due or when they need
to get their next flea treatment, vaccination, etc.

If there is anything that makes me hesitate on a family, the ferret
doesn't go home with a person. This includes if I learn they have a dog
that is kept outdoors. I figure if they don't care enough about their
pet that they can let it live outdoors, they're not going to care
enough about one of my ferrets. I will adopt to families with toddlers
and teens, though they go through an even more rigorous adoption
process than the norm.

Debbie, Kindness Matters Ferret Rescue
Sponsor a rescue ferret for $5 a month!

[Posted in FML 7562]