That Plexiglas has done the job very well. Jeep has adapted very well
to the see thru floors and has not ripped a thing to pieces and strewn
it all over the floors. I have two floors to replace and will do them
in a few days. This is kind of hard for me to do for several reasons.
One is I have to remove hundreds of 'J' clips that hold the floors
to the cage sides/ends as well as holding the cage together. After
replacing the carpet with Plexiglas all those have to be redone. I
then have to drill small holes to install wire ties that will hold
the floors in place. I have to be careful to keep the tie heads on
the underside away from where Jeep may explore because the ends can
be sharp. This part is very hard to get to but I got that all done
and it all works great.

I might use trash bags under the Plexiglas to be a sort of color
barrier. I thought of using news paper or even poster board but that
stuff is porous and will harbor germs and odors if wet, but a plastic
bag will not do that.

So Jeep lost the soft base he has been used to for walking on. So far
everything is working out first rate and was an extremely good move.
The cage is cleaner and odors are down and nothing is in the path of
ultimate destruction, at least nothing that can't be replaced very

I bet some morning I will get up to find this fur thing that is 2 feet
wide, four feet long and a half inch thick where Jeep has eaten a
Plexiglas floor! Ha! Dook on that Jeep !!!

Aarrow-Ranch Aviation
J. Gordon Bengtson CEO
*** Virginia is for Power Out Lovers. ***

[Posted in FML 7535]