I'm hoping someone can provide some clarification and suggestions
to me - thank you in advance. My old man just got diagnosed with
insulinoma, and given his advanced adrenal, we've opted to treat with
pred. I have spent the better part of the day trying to find a pharmacy
that carries or can get the brand name PediaPred, as the generic is not
recommended. I have been told by 5 different pharmacies that it has
been discontinued...citing either UCB or Medeva as the manufacturer -
neither manufacturer is willing to give me information as I am just a
consumer. So, can anyone verify that PediaPred has been discontinued?
And if so, what exact generic is safe to use (as I know some reportedly
use alcohol and/or sugars)?

I appreciate any and all help I can get on this! Thank you in advance!

Betsy and The FuzzButts

[Posted in FML 7557]