Tonight, driving home in the rain, I saw my first Ethiopian weasel!
(Also my first Ethiopian fox.)

Maybe you remember my description and linked picture of the Ethiopian
weasel I found on the web? Looks like a skunk - black w a white stripe
fr head to tail, and is usually called the striped weasel.

Our local ones are all one color. The one I saw looked about 2 feel
long and was really chunky and/or with a very thick coat. The coat
looked soft and and a lot longer than the usual ferret's. It was too
dark to judge the color, but it was a medium dark shade of something.
Someone with me said he'd seen one briefly at the local flower farm,
and that it was black.

Weasels here are called shalimitmat. I love that word!

I went looking on the web for a weasel that could be the same as ours.
Didn't fnd it, but did find another link for the striped weasel. It has
some wonderful remarks about the animal's mating habits, vocalizations,
and "bouncing." I bet it misinterprets the weasel's dancing, indicating
it's always fear-based.

The same group (Animal Diversity) has a page on mustelids as a whole.
I assume it's accurate. What I liked most was the section on Behavior.

Here's something entertaining and bizarre about weasel coffee - its
supposed to mimic the weasel digestive system!! Look at 8.4.2.

Civet coffee is from an even more bizarre process:

[Posted in FML 7555]