Hello everyone I wanted to make a post and update on Diva and get some
things cleared up! Ms. Diva is doing so great! She is gaining weight!
She is definatly more curious and more update than she has ever been
since she has been with us! I am counting down the days we are done
with the meds! She fights me now and does not want to take her meds its
like fighting with a 2 year old human baby! When we first got her home
she would let me cuddle her, Now she wants to get up and play! If her
cage is open its fair game she is ready to run! I would like to say
that every day since Diva has been home we have vacumed the carpets in
the living room non stop. I also had posted a couple days ago, that
everyone really watch there babies, to make sure that the same thing
doesnt happen to you, that has happend to us, I cant stress this
enough! We still to this day do not know what the blockage was just as
I said before because she had ended up digesting it! Which was great
news to us, because we did not have to have surgery! Again we have
made a facebook page to keep everyone updated on Diva, It is located at

As far as the post about the e mails. I have let those go, I never did
post them on FML! everything was said either over the phone to my GREAT
friends or on my personal Facebook page! It is sad some people think
that they have to be mean but it happens. I can understand that people
are weary about helping with money, But what my daughter and I have
pulled from this experince is just how great people can be! God has his
Angels on earth! Okay enough of that, we are here for one thing, our
Furbabies! With that being said a few of us have came together and made
a page. I know when I closed my very small rescue, I had a lot of items
I just left behind that so many people could have used. We have decided
to make a page for all of us and others to come together for advice,
Items to trade or sell, or just to chat with friends. It is located at
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Please make sure to add it to your facebook page. Again I cannot thank
everyone enough for what everyone has done for us! The Ferret Community
is definatly made up of some awesome, caring people! Thank you so much!


[Posted in FML 7554]