I have been watching for a while without anything to post but something
so bizarr happened to one of my furkids that I just had to post it.
Anyone who knows or remembers me I have ferrets who spend a lot of time
outside. For seven years since moving back to MA I haven't had any
problems. Then this past couple weeks a few things with me phisically
hit the fan so ended up in the hospital. when I finaly was up and
around wan was able to play with ferrets I noticed that my little girl
had what looked like a bite wound on her chest on her. I cleaned her
up examined the spot it looked ok decided to watch he the next day.
The next day it seemed deeper. It was the weekend. No vet open so I
used for panalog and sulfer powder to dry the hole. I took he to the
vet on Monday morning and when I arrived the area was still a hole
but was still a hard lump like a infection and there was a black spot
like a pimple next it. What it turned out to be was something called
a cutereba which is something like a bot fly (please forgive the
spelling) the vet had never seen one in a ferret. That was the most
expensive piece of fish bait that I had ever seen. Just thought I
would share this. She is now home with her brothers and doing fine.

Also. I lost touch with Jane and Linda who used to run Dook-n-Dance
ferret shelter in NC. What happened?

Wendy H.

[Posted in FML 7554]